Membership Benefits

Become a Voxel Member today! With a recurring monthly membership you’ll have access to a 1-hr reservation each day Monday through Friday, up to 50% discounts, referral bonuses, and eligibility to special member events!


Play everyday

Well, almost every day. Membership gets you a 1-hr reservation every day Sunday through Friday. Walk-in or same day reservations only. Subject to availability.

member discount

Receive $20 off per hr of your standard reservations on weekends and add guests to your bay for $10/guest/hr. Weekend reservations can be reserved in advance.

Referral bonus

Receive one FREE MONTH of membership for each person you get to join. Get 6 referrals and earn a FREE PRIVATE RESERVATION!

member events

Get invited to special events where you’ll have the chance to meet and compete against our member community. Free food and a whole lot of VR. What more could you want?

What are you waiting for?!

It’s an insane value and you deserve it.  Click below and make the most of your time.